The 123 toddler group is for babies and children 4 years old and under along with their adult. The helpers are all volunteers who attend St Mary’s Church, Walton and the group is held in the hall opposite the church.
Cost: £1 per child and a sibling under 1 year old is free.
When : Wednesdays during term time from 1pm until 3pm.
We have a termly newsletter for details of any extra events e.g. the Christmas party or Teddy bears picnic.
Any queries contact :
The Benefice Office, tel. 01394 547260, email
Margaret Lake on 01394 283347
Activities: Throughout the session we have a range of toys, including ride on toys, books, puzzles, climbing frame and trampolines.
1 to 2pm Craft, cutting, sticking & colouring and painting.
2 to 2.40pm Duplo & play dough
2.40pm Singing time
3pm Clearing up
1 to 2pm Craft, cutting, sticking & colouring and painting.
2 to 2.40pm Duplo & play dough
2.40pm Singing time
3pm Clearing up
Tea, coffee and squash will be served during the session.