Mary’s message for Sunday 26th January

So far, our weather has been quite mild for winter, but we never know for sure what winter will have in store for us. Will it stay mild and damp, or will we have to cope with ice and snow?
I remember some years ago when we had a really deep snowfall. Walking in the area between Nacton & Levington was a really amazing experience. It was truly a walk in a Winter Wonderland. The natural slopes & dips of the fields in that area took on a totally new appearance.

How the familiar became instantly unfamiliar! It was a totally different landscape. And yet I knew it was just a veneer, only short-term & very soon the magical landscape would return to normal.
Sometimes there are moments in life like that. We see things in a new light, from a different angle. Yet we know, deep down, the comfortable, old familiar basics are still there, and that is reassuring. This applies to our spiritual lives as well. The central truths of the Christian Gospel stand firm & unchanged.

Just as we have no idea what sort of winter we shall have, we have no idea what the months ahead have in store for us. But we need not be apprehensive, as we know from God’s Word, He is always with us. Jesus said, “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew ch. 28 verse 30).

Sometime we sing a chorus which says,
“In every circumstance of life, You are with me, glorious Father,
And I have put my trust in You, that I may Know the glorious hope,
To which I’m called.”

So, “Trust the past to the mercy of God, the present to his love, And the future to his providence.”

May that be your guide in the days ahead.

With love, Mary R